It’s time to share a few good paid focus groups leads for this month June 2022, and I will also post survey panels news including new survey sites etc. Participating in Focus groups are great way to make extra money during your spare time!
Paid Focus Groups June 2022
All paid focus groups are nationwide studies and you can participate remotely online from your home, and I will be updating this post to add new focus group leads for this month or early next month.
$100 Paid Study on Holidays
watchLab is hosting this study – Project Blitzen (Holidays)
- Topic: Holidays
- Genders: All
- Ages: 18+
- Sessions Available: June 8th and June 9th
- Type of study: One-on-One Discussion
- Length: 1 hour
- Location: Remote Nation wide study
- Incentive: $100 (check, 6 weeks after the last interviews for this study have been completed)
- Click Here for this study if you are interested
$125 Paid Online Study on Social Media
This is another focus group by watchLab – Project Arcade (Social Media)
- Topic: Social Media
- Genders: All
- Ages: 18+
- Sessions Available: June 14th through June 17th
- Type of study: 1-on-1 Video Conference Discussion
- Length: 1 hour
- Location: Seeking participants Nationwide
- Incentive: $125 (Payment is check. and about 6 weeks after the last interviews for this study have been completed.)
- Click here for the shopping study
$150 Paid Study on Pets
This is another focus group by watchLab – Project Ursa (Pets)
- Topic: Pets
- Genders: All
- Ages: 18 – 65
- Sessions Available: June 15th through June 17th
- Type of study: Online Board
- Length: estimated to be approximately 45 minutes per day
- Location: Seeking participants Nationwide
- Incentive: $150 (Payment is in the from of check. within 6 weeks after the last interviews for this study have been completed.)
- Click here if you are interested in this study
$200 Paid Study on Mobile Games
Another exciting focus group by watchlab! – Project Bluebell (Games)
- Topic: Games
- Genders: All
- Ages: 25 – 60
- Sessions Available: June 13th
- Type of study: Online Board
- Length: 5 Day, up to 30 mins a day
- Location: Remote Nationwide Study
- Incentive: $200( check. within 6 weeks after the last interviews for this study have been completed.)
- Click Here if you are interested in this study
Please note for above studies from watchLab: After you fill out the survey, they will review your responses. If you appear to be a possible match to the research criteria they will call you to verify your responses and ask you some additional questions to determine if you fully qualify. Please note that simply filling out the survey does not automatically qualify you for the study. Any information you share with watchLAB will never be given to any clients or third parties without your explicit permission as part of a paid market research study.
$300 Nationwide study for Automobile Owners
Topic: Automobile Owners
Who: Nationwide Residents
When: June 2022
Where: Online
Length: 1 week online community
Incentive: $300-$400 Digital Incentive
**Poof of product will be required to participate**
Click here if you are interested.
$85 Paid Mom Study
Topic: Mom Study
Who: Currently Pregnant Moms Nationwide
When: June 13th – June 15th
Length: 45 or 60 minute webcam interview
Where: Online
Pay: $85 or $100 digital incentive

New Paid Survey Focus Groups companies June 2022
In this section I am sharing some surveys sites news such as new survey panels and focus group companies.
- BizKnowledge Panel – a brand new online survey panel that rewards members for their opinions, and currently open to USA residents who are at least 18 and older.
- TreatSpot – Join Treat Spot to try new products absolutely FREE, get amazing deals, fabulous goodies and more!
- User Interviews – is a great new focus group company!
Above are the some good paid focus groups that I know for this month of June 2022. For more information on making money with paid focus groups, please check out following two articles:
- How to Make Money Participating in Online Paid Focus Groups
- How to Get Paid To Test Products at Home for Free – since focus groups and product testing are often related.