First of all I want to thank Mei for allowing me to educate you all on how to actually make some REAL MONEY taking paid surveys on There is a lot of room and opportunity to make some extra income taking surveys with
The key is to work our system the right way. So I’m going to walk you through signing up for all the way through the secrets and tips that help our top earners earn well into the thousands every year!
Let me start off by explaining the process of surveys and how they work in general. 99.9% of surveys are used to help business owners and marketing companies make smarter business decisions on everything from product design to advertising. And because the decisions they make are based on the answers given in our surveys it is crucial that you as a survey taker give accurate and consistent responses. These responses start at the sign up processes and continue all the way through your most recent survey.
Most of you have probably already signed up for Whether you have already or not this walk through of the sign up process will help you get more paid surveys. First go to, read the terms and conditions and then start entering in your information.
I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to be honest and current with the information you provide during the initial sign up process. Since surveys are all about the data you provide to us we spend a huge amount of resources making sure that the data you provide is accurate. So we will know if you exaggerate or embellish even a little. It also only hurts you to put in fake information. If you make $25,000 a year and tell us you make $1 million we won’t know to send you the surveys for people who make $25,000. It’s even worse when you are honest in the initial sign up process but then exaggerate during an actual survey. So make sure you keep your answers consistent.
Another key factor that gets overlooked way to often by our members is there “Portraits”. At we use “Portraits” to determine who gets our best and Highest Paying Surveys first. So if you haven’t filled our your “Portraits” let me show you how. First sign in to Then click on “My Portrait” in the main menu above the word Welcome. You’ll now have list of about 10 portraits you can fill out. The first 2 are about employment and health and are by far the most important to fill out. They only take about 10mins. If you don’t have at least the first 2 portraits filled out you are doing yourself a disservice as a panel member. So go fill at least the first 2 out. I’ll wait here.
All right now that you’ve hopefully filled out all your portraits. Let’s give you something else to do that can make the difference between a check for $2 and a check for $200. I’m talking about Referrals.
Referrals are how the SurveySavvy panel members that make the most money make their money. At we not only pay you for your referrals but also your referrals referrals. Every panel member has a unique referral ID that allows us to track your referrals and automatically credit your account for the surveys they complete. You can find your referral link and ID by signing in to
Once you’re signed in click on “My Referrals” in the main menu next to “My Portrait”. Near the bottom of the page will be a link that looks like this “ “ without the quotes. This is your referral link with your unique ID already set up for you. Essentially you just have to share this link with as many people as you possibly can. I know that can seem easier said than done. But it’s really quite easy to get enough exposure for that link to start bringing in some real money.
Here’s how our most successful members get their referral inks out.
Start a blog.
You can set up a free blog at or There are literally hundreds of free blog sites but these 2 are by far the best. With a blog you have to keep it updated. So be ready to post at least once – twice a week.
Social Media
Post about your blog or even just post your referral link. Our top members post their links daily. How many times do you post your link? Facebook and twitter are the top 2 social sites but don’t forget about linkedin,myspace,digg and the others.
Join groups and communities in these social media networks and share your referral link with them. The more related the group is to making money online or through surveys the better response you’ll get. Just don’t get spammy. Build a relationship first.
We all have contacts in our outlook or gmail that are just waiting for an opportunity to make some extra money. Don’t keep them waiting.
Start a monthly or weekly newsletter. You don’t just have to send people your SurveySavvy referral link every week that would get old. Maybe throw in some family recipes to make it more personable.
There are millions of forums online that will let you have a homepage link in your profile section. Sign up for as many as you can and use your referral ink as your homepage link.
Don’t stop at your profile. Make sure to pick forums on subjects that interest you and comment in them often. (Make sure you set up your signature so that when you comment your SurveySavvy referral link is automatically added to the end of your comment.)
Well there you have it folks. How to use like the pros do. Now go get that money people there is plenty for everyone.