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Partnership-Plus – Closed

Update: Partnership Plus closed it’s door. It was bought by NPD Online.

Partnership-Plus is a paid survey panel specialize in clothing and accessories. Panel members sign in the site once a month, spend 5 – 10 minutes fill out the monthlly survey providing their clothing purchase information during the previous month, and earn 200 points (50 points extra early bird bounds if it’s done before the 5th of the month).  Points can be redeemed for gift certificates or cash (check).

Please be aware that they are sort of picky in terms accepting new panel members. You may or maynot be accepted while trying to join their survey panel. I persoanlly was not accepted, but my husband was.

Partnership-Plus accpet members from United States.


8 thoughts on “Partnership-Plus – Closed”

  1. Thanks for the heads up Lee. My husband was with PP (they didn’t accept me) but he hasn’t taken their surveys for a long time. It’s sad to see another good survey company gone. ๐Ÿ™

  2. As of March 10th 2010, Partnership-Plus will end but you’ll have the opportunity to join their parent company NPD Online Research. If you’ve accumulated points in your PP account, consider cashing out by March. NPD Online is a sweepstakes only company so once the switch occurs, all your points will probably be redeemable for sweeps entries only.


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